Grants Common Types


The "Grants Common Types" schema is a new common schema added to standardize the definition of the common elements.

Web Service Version(s)

  • V2.0

Schema Link

For the Training Environment, this schema is located at:

For the Production Environment, this schema is located at:

Schema Elements

Element Name Element Type Element Rules
ActiveExclusionsType String Valid values:
Not Available
DelinquentFederalDebtType String Valid values:
Not Available
YesNoType String Valid values:
Number15DigitsType String

Max length: 15

Number18DigitsType String

Max length: 18

Number20DigitsType String Numeric
Max length: 20
Number8DigitsType String Numeric
Max length: 8
Number8DigitsOrUnboundedType String Numeric
Max length: 8
Number4DigitsType String Numeric
Max length: 4
StringMin1Max30Type String Min length: 1
Max length: 30
StringMin1Max102Type String Min length: 1
Max length: 102
StringMin1Max100Type String Min length: 1
Max length: 100
StringWithoutNewLine250Type String Cannot begin with whitespace character (line feeds, tabs, spaces, carriage returns)
Can be followed by any sequence of characters except new line
Max length: 250
StringWithoutNewLine130Type String Cannot begin with whitespace character (line feeds, tabs, spaces, carriage returns)
Can be followed by any sequence of characters except new line
Max length: 130
StringMin1Max2500Type String Min length: 1
Max length: 2500
StringMin1Max18000Type String Min length: 1
Max length: 18000
StringMin1Max4000Type String Min length: 1
Max length: 4000
StringMin1Max2000Type String Min length: 1
Max length: 2000
StringWithoutNewLine512Type String Cannot begin with whitespace character (line feeds, tabs, spaces, carriage returns)
Can be followed by any sequence of characters except new line
Max length: 512
YYYYDateType String Numeric
Max length: 4
OperationStatusType String Valid values:
SubmissionMethodType String

Valid values:
Third Party S2S

PackageIDType String Valid format: PKG######## where # is numeric only
MMDDYYYYFwdSlashType String MM/DD/YYYY format
No whitespaces
StringWithoutNewLine255Type String Cannot begin with whitespace character (line feeds, tabs, spaces, carriage returns)
Can be any sequence of characters except new-line
Max length: 255
StringMin1Max25Type String Min length: 1
Max length: 25
StringMin1Max75Type String Min length: 1
Max length: 75
StringMin1Max240Type String Min length: 1
Max length: 240
StringMin1Max255Type String Min length: 1
Max length: 255
StringMin1Max250Type String Min length: 1
Max length: 250
UserIDType String Valid characters: spaces and non-whitespace characters
Invalid characters: line feeds, tabs, carriage returns
FundingOpportunityNumberType String Valid characters: Uppercase letters, numeric, and hyphens - Max length: 40
OpportunityCategoryType String Valid values:
D (Discretionary)
M (Mandatory)
C (Continuation)
E (Earmark)
O (Other)
TemplateNameType String Cannot begin with whitespace character (line feeds, tabs, spaces, carriage returns)
Can be any sequence of characters except new-line
Max length: 255
FileNameType String Cannot begin with whitespace character (line feeds, tabs, spaces, carriage returns)
Can be any sequence of characters except new-line
Max length: 255
FileExtensionType String Cannot begin with whitespace character (line feeds, tabs, spaces, carriage returns)
Can be any sequence of characters except new-line
Max length: 15
FileContentIdType String Cannot begin with whitespace character (line feeds, tabs, spaces, carriage returns)
Can be any sequence of characters except new-line
Max length: 255
CFDANumberType String Valid format: ##.### where # is numeric only
No whitespace
CompetitionIDType String Valid characters: Uppercase letters, numeric, and hyphens
Max length: 40
No whitespace
CompetitionTitleType String Cannot begin with whitespace character (line feeds, tabs, spaces, carriage returns)
Can be any sequence of characters except new-line
Max length: 255
GrantsGovTrackingNumberType String Valid format: Uppercase GRANTxxxxxxxx where 'x' is numeric only (i.e. GRANT12345678 )
GrantsGovApplicationStatusType String Valid values:
Rejected with Errors
Download Preparation
Received by Agency
Agency Tracking Number Assigned
TokenIdType String Min length: 1
Max length: 2000
DUNSType String Alphanumeric with the first 9 characters numeric
Min length: 9
Max length: 13
UEIType String Alphanumeric
Min length: 12
Max length: 12
FullNameType String Min length: 1
Max length: 240
AORStatusType String Valid values:
MessageCodeType String Numeric
Min length: 2
Max length: 2
MessageTextType String Min length: 1
Max length: 2000
AgencyContactInfoType String Min length: 1
Max length: 2000
AgencyTrackingNumberType String Valid characters: spaces and non-whitespace characters
Invalid: line feeds, tabs, carriage returns
AgencyNotesType String Min length:1
Max length: 2048
StatusDetailType String Min length:1